

This is a book I have recently written with Olindo Zanotti for Oxford University Press. It containts a good part of what you may want to learn about relativistic hydrodynamics, from the mathematical foundations, over to the numerical methods and the astrophysical applications.

Endorsements and more information can be found by clicking on the cover, while you will find some sample material (i.e. Chap. 4) here.

Detailed reviews have been published recently on scientific journals, e.g. by N. Stergioulas for Classical and Quantum Gravity,  J. M. Stewart for Contemporary Physics, T. Kellermann for Physik Journal (in German),  D. Giulini for General Relativity and Gravitation, and I. Abonyi for Zentralblatt Math.

I have also edited and contributed to a number of different books collecting articles in numerical relativity and relativistic astrophysics: