
Over the years the group has produced many images from the simulations that I have carried out. Many of them have appeared on newspapers, magazines, calendars, and of course the internet; you can find many of them after googling for “black holes” or “neutron stars”. Some of these images have also won prestigious awards. However, there is no way better to let people know about our results than YouTube; one movie  on on gamma-ray bursts has received more than one hundred thousands of downloads (German version), while another movie on the tidal disruption of neutron stars has also attracted a lot of attention, eventually ending-up on the New York Times.

Producing a nice image is very satisfying and often the result of a team of inspiring people (E. Mueller, R. Kaehler, M. Koppitz)  to obtain the best combination of colors, transparencies and camera views. In these works I have benefitted from the expertise and tools developed by C. Hege at ZIB, Berlin. Below are some links to these images and movies; higher-resolution versions can be obtained if you send me an email.