Harry Ho-yin NG
Room: 2.141
Phone: +49 (0) 69 798 47869
Email: hng[at]itp.uni-frankfurt.de
In October 2021 I joined the RelAstro group of Prof. Luciano Rezzolla as a PhD student at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Research Interests
I am interested in the numerical relativity simulations of compact objects: magnetized neutron star, binary neutron star system, core-collapse supernovae, and binary black hole and with a focus on the effects of neutrinos, EM fields, and QCD matters in the multi-messenger signals emitted by these high energy astrophysical Phenomenons. I am also a numerical simulation code developer to play a role in the implementation of dynamical spacetime, magneto-hydrodynamics as well as radiation hydrodynamics of neutrinos.