Ludwig Jens Papenfort
email: ( papenfort
room: 2.231
I joined the Numerical Relativity group of Prof. Luciano Rezzolla as a PhD student in July 2015. Prior to that I finished my Master in Astrophysics at the University of Bonn (M.Sc. thesis) after completing my Bachelor of Science in Physics at the University of Münster (B.Sc. thesis).
Research Interest
My main interest lies in strong-field phenomena of General Relativity and solutions of the Einstein field equations departing from symmetry, where non-linear effects (likely) play a major role. As a consequence I am interested in Numerical Relativity and its related topics: constraint initial data, relativistic (magneto-)hydrodynamics of perfect fluids and numerical methods for hyperbolic PDEs.
More concretely the topic of my PhD research is on (numerical) ultrarelativistic collisions of matter at nuclear densities and the possible production of black holes in this process. A closer look on the characteristics of the critical behaviour at the onset of black hole creation will be made.
Additionally I have a general interest in cosmology, especially structure formation and spacetime evolution.